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Friday, June 6, 2008
9:03 AM

Just got back from the airport after picking my cousin up. Though, I'm pretty upset that he did not get me any clothes (Haha... don't think I'll like any clothes that he would buy), I guess what he got me was pretty cool. He got me a speaker in the likeness of "Ying Ying" which is part of the Beijing Olympics mascots. It looks quite cute and it costs SG$50, so since I got the most expensive gift of all, guess I shouldn't be complaining much. The speaker is still with him, since he hasn't unpacked his luggage yet, so no pictures yet. ):

Anyway, I got the class tee and pullover today. The Harry Potter-ish pullover is cute! Move over Hermonie Granger, there's a new girl in Hogwarts ready to replace you, and her name is Sita Yang!

On second thought, Hermonie ends up with Ron, and Ron ain't that good looking. Maybe I should be Ginny instead, afterall she's still a student of Hogwarts and she ends up with Harry.

However, Ginny is poor and wears hand-me-downs, so should I cut a few holes in the pullover? =X

The class tee is still in my bag though, I have not opened it yet. I'm kind of afraid to wear it out

1. Copyright issues
2. Eating my words

The "eating my words" part is because I told some of my friends that I think Crumpler is like the ugliest bag in the world, but I'm wearing the logo on my back, as if I am an ardent fan of the whole Crumpler fad.

Welllll...I think that the whole copyright thing could be quite fun though. I mean the whole class should totally head to the Crumpler stores and loiter around, maybe we'll get caught and be forced to take off our shirts. (When I was working, my colleague told me that her friend who walked by the Louis Vuitton branch in Orchard with her imitation LV bag, was forced to relinquish it to them.)

I hope we get to appear in the papers! Maybe, we'll top Fiona Xie and Felicia Chin, by running shirtless down Orchard! Perhaps they will print this news in Taiwan and MAYBE Jay Chou might see it! Guess its time to go exercise, in case that really happens!



Wednesday, June 4, 2008
3:02 AM

I hate Fei Lun Hai!!! Okay, so maybe I don't really hate them, but I'm all riled up now because of a stupid comment I read on Youtube posted by some shithead. She went to Jay Chou's "Bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi" MV and starting saying how ugly Jay Chou is and how Fei Lun Hai is a million times better.

While I admit that the members of Fei Lun Hai are all undoubtedly better looking than Jay Chou, they have less talent in all of their bodies combined than Jay Chou's pinky! HAH. I can't wait till she goes to their concert and take a gander at their musical prowess.

After typing this, I feel much better. ((:


Sunday, June 1, 2008
7:10 AM


Shel asked me to do this quiz, and I'm bored, so here goes...

01. What disappoints you the most?

When I let myself down

02. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?

Can I exchange it for cash?

03. What’s your favorite thing to do?

Lulling you to a false sense of security and contentment

04. Do you think money can buy happiness?

No, because I am a bringer of happiness and I can't be bought! =P

05. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?

That Jay chou would marry me. =P

06. Do you prefer a kiss or a hug?

Hug. I get to gauge how fat other people are too!

07. What are you afraid to lose the most?

My youth. I think I spotted a few fine lines around my eyes today.

08. If you win $1 million, what would you do?

Save half, give one quarter to my family, spend one eighth and donate one eighth

09. What do you dream of doing in the future?

Living... hopefully well

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you?

1. This is tough. =P He's fun to be around.
2. He's quite thoughtful.
3. Sings pretty well.

11. What makes you happy?

To be philosophical, I don't think there is such a thing as true happiness, contentment maybe, but not happiness.

12.What type of person do you hate the most?

People who are clingy and do not have a mind of their own, but I realised that I have such problems occasionally. No wonder I have a love-hate relationship with myself.

13. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road?

Teaching english and hopefully married (please let it be Jay Chou! =X)

14. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

To be like Rumpelstiltskin and spin threads of gold.

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

Health, family and friends

16. Any childhood memories you’ll like to re-live?

I'll rather not look backwards.

17. If you have a chance to change your life now, what would you want to change?

I wouldn't even bother answering this. I'll like to start my life from scratch.

18. Which cartoon character you like most?

I kind of like the underdogs more, Plankton from Spongebob Squarepants, Tom from Tom and Jerry.

19. Are you courageous enough to go and tell the person that you like he/she?

No opportunity, have not managed to see Jay Chou in person yet. =P

20.Do you think you're pretty/handsome?

Not repulsive, and that'll do.


Tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged
1. Wina
2. Jane [Don't know if I should put Jane, since Shel already asked her]
3. Julian
4. Xuelian
5. Kai Xin
6. Jing Min
7. Hui Xin
8. Anyone else reading my blog


Friday, April 11, 2008
6:57 AM

Borrowed 4 books from the school library, and have already finished "Bergdorf Blondes". All 310 pages in half a day! (: Though the plot was hackneyed and I had already figured out the ending halfway through the book, it was still a good read. I hated the start though, because the narrator sounded like such a shallow and superficial person who thinks that the world revolves around her. However, as the story progressed on, I found myself getting more and more concerned with her life and the ending was just sweet when she ended up with the guy that was always there for her. All that saccharine sweetness and how cute they sound together is making me discontented with a life in reality. What I need now is to start on the next book "Tommy Sullivian is a freak"!

Anyway, before I resume my chick lit marathon, I'll give a brief update on my life as of late!

-Got back my PW results! I got a B! Not great, not bad and definitely not upset! I don't know why my classmates thought that I was upset with my grade, maybe because I was whining too much about Zhi Han doing better than me?

- I will make a very good daughter-in-law! What happened was that yesterday, when Lian and I took 198 to Jurong East to get her contact lenses, a bus conductor got up and started checking our EZ-link cards. I handed my EZ-link card over to her with two hands, and apparently this impressed her a lot. She said something like such behaviour would definitely make my future mother in law very happy. I guess I am supposed to feel happy at that comment, except that it probably means that I look old enough to be married soon.

- I got a $10 POPULAR voucher! I am such an AUNTIE!

- Got scolded big time by Mr Leow, but shall cease to remember this incident after NOW!

- Wondering if I should attend the Ionic Equilibrium lesson tomorrow.

- Anyway, TGIF and I'm off to start on the next book! (: Maybe I'll borrow enough books to ease Hui Xin's friend down the most number of books borrowed monthly list!



Monday, March 31, 2008
5:30 AM

I am officially relinquishing my right to laugh at the hilarious sight of people sleeping on the trains, because on my trip home today, I actually rested my head on a secondary school guy's shoulder and slept all the way to Lavender!

When I woke up, I was so mortified and embarrassed! Why couldn't it have been a kindly middle aged woman? The guy must have been so awkward, because his schoolmates were right in front of him!



Anyway, I was not late for school today! Thanks to Zhi Han for "motivating" me by running so quickly, that I was panting all the way and I would like to thank him too for "boosting" my confidence in my athletic prowess. (He was carrying both his bag and my bag, but still managed to be like 30m ahead of me) One thing for sure is that I'll never want to be late again, I cannot see myself running like how I did today, AGAIN!

Okay... anyway take care sickly Xue Lian and Happy April's Fool Day in like a few hours!



Friday, March 28, 2008
8:35 AM

Have you ever felt like doing something drastic, just to break free from the routine of your drab and dreary life? I have. I don't mean getting 20++ horrible piercings all over my body, shaving my head bald or getting a tattoo (Actually I don't think tattoos are that bad), though I think that might be that extra something to change your incredibly boring life, because it gives you something new to do, i.e laugh at me.

I don't know. I think I'll just commit mass murder or something. THIS IS NOT A CONFESSION! I have to make this clear, lest some police officer decides that this statement is solid proof that I murdered someone. Afterall, a passage from the content quiz did state that information online can now be used as evidence against a suspect. If I take a knife and point it at her when we are cam-whoring, and the next day, she gets murdered, does that photo constitute as evidence?

This is just something to think about on the weekdays, as it is finally the weekends, which means saying goodbye to boredom and hello to some well-deserved sleep and Me time. This Me time involves me sleeping and slacking, which also means not blogging! So I'm off to...

BAH! Why do I have to state what I am off to do? Its ME time!

Anyway, thanks Xue Lian and Jing Min for accompanying me to satisfy my LJS craving and walking about JP till about 6 plus. It was a blast! Thanks, babes! Maybe I'll have cravings for pasta next week! *winks winks*

I MISS THE 4/5 people loads too! =D

Free eyebrow trimming tomorrow, I hope!

Okayy, BYE! (:


Tuesday, March 25, 2008
2:40 AM

I knew there were talented people out there, but I always thought that it was just a folktale. Nah, I'm kidding. I just saw this amazing video on Youtube, whereby this incredibly talented guy played Canon D in rock version on his electric guitar. I always thought that guys could play the piano were attractive, but this guy is like totally cool! The video of him garnered over 40 million views and there were some identical videos around that got over a million views too.

I reckon that he is a really shy and down to earth person though, because throughout the entire video, his face was covered by his cap, so he is apparently not seeking fame. Those videos were not uploaded by him anyway.

OH! I just found a video of him, where I can see his face. He's kind of geeky and skinny, but I like geeky looking guys. He's 22 and lives in Korea, too bad I'm already going to marry Jay Chou.

HAHAHA. I'm in self- denial.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=AIKCVlVpI7Q [The interview on CNN]

http://youtube.com/watch?v=QjA5faZF1A8 [The incredibly talented, albeit geeky looking boy =D]



9 sisters
Chinese Orchestra :/


Learn to be at peace with myself
Do well for A levels
Lots of money
Slack after the A levels
Marry Jay Chou
Get a new wallet
Visit America and Taiwan


Jane the Dunno
Wina the Pig
Sheldon the *Handome
Yong Hong the *Cute
Yi Jie the Great
Victoria the Biatch
THE zhihan
Kah Kay (:
Yanshan (:
Koon Kit (:
Puay Ling (:
Valerie (:
Siti Mama (:
Cheryl (:
Belinda (:
Michelle (:
Chee Weng (:
Mark (:
Hui Xin (:
Jing Min (:
Xue Lian (:
Kai Xin
huili (:
Wen Fang (:
Natalie (:



Designer; zainylove thats me.
Image; tell me if you know.
brushes; miss m
font; dotspot shellie